Saturday, March 22, 2014


Hi guys. 
The 17th me, finally makes a crazy decision. A big decision for my future. 
I can't tell you now. But I still will tell you later at the right time. 

Today, my little cousin going to hospital. 
You know what? 
Even in the sick condition, he can smile!! 

What a strong boy?! 
I cried because I wish I'm in his position. 
He still 11 months 3weeks. Why he must in hospital and get some injection?! 
What a poor boy T^T 

I got some training from my friend from Korea, and he said that I can be an independent girl already!! 
Yeap, I think so. 

This is photo of the day. 

Tomorrow wishes is my instagram's followers gain again until 10k! 

please follow me : chhrristinne !

This is for today! Goodbye.
Keep stalking me bloggist!


That feeling, come back again. 
That missing feeling in every single night accompany me again. 
My heart is ruin.
But what can I do ? 
Again and again, the fake smile covered everything. 
I want give up. But my heart is so stupid. 
You hurt me more than I deserved. I love you more than you deserved. Why am I such a fool ? 
I know that you'll never be mine and you are never care about me. You are too busy for it.

This is one of some reason why I hate long distance relationship. 
When I think the negative side, my mind will keep telling me "what if he....." 
The words which can hurt me deep is "WHAT IF?" 
My heart is crying until now. Maybe I should forget everything. But its not that simple. Everytime I walked out, I'll be run back to him. 

So, what should I do now?

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Aquarius's fact

Please just translate into your language. 

This is so real!! 



水瓶座,为了友情和爱情能达到一个无法想象的极限,不抛弃,不分开,哪怕不是对方的爱,但是也不纠缠,厚道直白的水瓶座纵使有太多的软弱,也抵不住它天 生悲观的使者角色,如果你爱上水瓶,你得到的会是平凡的温暖和永远的爱,如果你不爱水瓶,水瓶会在静默中给予你想要的自由和未来。

   水瓶座的人,笑起来是个孩子,冷起来是个谜。一抹温婉纯真的笑容就能掩盖一颗多愁善感的心。对于感兴趣的事情抓住不撒手,执着的可怕。对于不感兴趣的人 没表情,连装也难。拒绝一切装的人事物。性格敏感,占有欲强烈,缺乏安全感而有依赖感。喜欢胡思乱想,过份回忆过去沉浸悲伤难释怀。自责心令人汗颜。水瓶 女是很容易患得患失的,特别是在晚上容易抽风,抽的很厉害……每到晚上就会变成林黛玉,感性的要死。想 难过,只好让自己难过。总是认为自己有超乎寻常的承受力,把自己想得太坚强,而把别人想得太脆弱。对方提的任何过分的要求,水瓶座统统照单全收、精心尽 力,绝对不会有半个不字。他们不知道,到最后受伤的其实是自己 冒险,就是爱上一个人。因为水瓶永远也不知道,自己全身心的投入,最终会换来什么。这就像是一场轮盘赌,水瓶明知可能会输,但又忍不住想投身其中。其实, 水瓶真正需要的,并不是赌赢,而是一个能令水瓶收手的人。因为最终征服水瓶的人,会令水瓶失去爱其他人的能力

   水瓶座的孩子总是在犹豫,渴望有人陪,可自己骨子里要求自己不准这样做。因为太爱对方,不想让对方讨厌,所以,T瓶子们想让对方觉得自己并不在乎,装的 很无所谓。于是最后瓶子们真的失去了。然后,一个人默默的承受许多许多,却依然装作无所谓,却后悔那些在乎没有告诉对方。

   水瓶最擅长的是难为自己。不想对方难过,只好让自己难过。总是认为自己有超乎寻常的承受力,把自己想得太坚强,而把别人想得太脆弱。对方提的任何过分的 要求,水瓶座统统照单全收、精心尽力,绝对不会有半个不字。他们不知道,到最后受伤的其实是自己,只是不知道如何去表现。

Friday, March 7, 2014


Oh my God,
I'm so sorry for not share anything here since last month. 
Okay, let me share my favorite artist, my life, my cute memory, or maybe I fallen to someone again. 

Lets talk from my favorite singer. 
I have a new favorite singer, 
That singer is so motivated me. 
Be honest, I have a big dream to be a famous singer and actress. I ever gave up to chase that dream. Until now, I think I also can't do anything for make it come true!!! 
After I know more about this singer, I feel that I can be like her!! 
She is RIHANNA!!! 
My motivated singer. 
She is so famous in this world. Even my friend who doesn't like western song and never wanna know about western entertainment world, KNOW HER!! You see, how famous is she?!
I keep motivated my heart, 
You will, you can, you have to did it!!! 
I keep telling my mind, 
"Someday, I will stand on a big stage. Sing for everyone. Everyone will claps hand for me. I will have a huge fans community, stalk by so many paparazzi and fans everywhere. My face and poster everywhere. And I can entertain the person which in the broken feeling.

I gonna make it happen!!!! 

Lets move to the news. 
Yeah, Finally, I got the news from Taiwan. That my data already received by them. 
Also, Hsinhua and Proffesor Huang came to my school and gave me surprise!!! 

How great were they!! 

This is the photo which taken in school field! 

We also went to bank together! 
And also, they were visited my family in our small shop.

I'm fat in the last photo. But, its okay.

Oh thats right, I knew a new friend from Hongkong which studied in Taiwan. 

I wish that guy didn't same with Leung Keuw.
A small cute chat with him makes a sweetest smile. Hahahaha XD~

I'm facing my last school exam in this seven days. Today is the 6th day. Until today, Its clear!! Least 1 day. Wish the best for it!

Maybe this is for today.
Gonna miss me?! 
So keep stalking my blog diary!! 
Thankyou for reading my cutest bloggist!!